Raw Material: Corn

Corn is a South American cereal, produced and consumed worldwide, being a main cereal in human and animal food.

The European Union was responsible for 5,99% of world corn production (Source: Statista). The national production in the agricultural year 2019/20 was 682 thousand tons (Source: Estatísticas Agrícolas 2020- INE), which represents 35% to 40% of national needs. (Source: Dinheiro Vivo).

100% Plant based

COPAM offers a wide range of 100% plant-based products. The availability of these products in the market allows it replace fossil-based materials for sustainable and plant-based, in the production of

100% not GMO

Every corn used in the manufacture of our products is conventional origin, free from GMO- Genetically Modified Organism.

The ISO 9001:2015 certification includes a preserved identity system of corn acquisition which guarantees its conventional origin (non-genetically modified).

100% Gluten-free

Corn is our only raw material, which is a naturally gluten-free cereal.

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